Wednesday, July 29, 2009
People have been asked not 'Politicise' the death of Teoh Beng Hock who died whilst in the custody of the Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission (MACC).
I attended the 'Memorial' for Teoh Beng Hock held at the MPPJ stadium at Kelana Jaya. While there was the customary moment of silence for Teoh, twice in effect, it was actually an event for BN and UMNO bashing. There was also much cheering by most of the 3000 or so people who attended, goaded on by the politicians from Pakatan Rakyat.
I personally felt slightly let down, disappointed. I did not come for a political rally.
BUT how could they not, when there was so much anger and frustration everywhere.
Earlier today, the PM met the family of the deceased. How gracious, even if the family was BROUGHT UP to meet the PM at his office instead of the PM GOING DOWN to the family home to offer his condolences.
How often does the PM meet with families of deceased Malaysians?
The PM and his cabinet have ORDERED an Inquest into the death. Does the cabinet meet for each and every death of a opposition politician?
Is this not politicing the tragedy?
The Inquest of this death, a death which made world news, will most probably be conducted by a magistrate.
A high profile case to be looked into by the lowest ranked arbitrator in the judiciary. A person who might not even be with enough clout to have a renovated courtroom inspected by his or her parent before his or her appointment as magistrate.
How does one expect Justice for Teoh Beng Hock.
I attended the 'Memorial' for Teoh Beng Hock held at the MPPJ stadium at Kelana Jaya. While there was the customary moment of silence for Teoh, twice in effect, it was actually an event for BN and UMNO bashing. There was also much cheering by most of the 3000 or so people who attended, goaded on by the politicians from Pakatan Rakyat.
I personally felt slightly let down, disappointed. I did not come for a political rally.
BUT how could they not, when there was so much anger and frustration everywhere.
Earlier today, the PM met the family of the deceased. How gracious, even if the family was BROUGHT UP to meet the PM at his office instead of the PM GOING DOWN to the family home to offer his condolences.
How often does the PM meet with families of deceased Malaysians?
The PM and his cabinet have ORDERED an Inquest into the death. Does the cabinet meet for each and every death of a opposition politician?
Is this not politicing the tragedy?
The Inquest of this death, a death which made world news, will most probably be conducted by a magistrate.
A high profile case to be looked into by the lowest ranked arbitrator in the judiciary. A person who might not even be with enough clout to have a renovated courtroom inspected by his or her parent before his or her appointment as magistrate.
How does one expect Justice for Teoh Beng Hock.
Labels: Murder, TeohBengHock
Saturday, May 30, 2009
The by-elections in Penanti will be keenly followed as BN is not contesting. BN would have about 30-40% support here. What will these BN supporting voters do?
Some may be on some all-paid-for trips. Some may just not be bothered as this will be the 3rd time within a short period of time of slightly more that a year that elections are called.
Some may just vote for an independent.
PR is expected to win.
Maybe another history to be created with the most number of spoilt votes.
Labels: Elections
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Anwar Ibrahim, PKR advisor and de facto leader has been summoned to appear at the Jalan Duta Magistrates' Court later this (7/8/08) morning on the alleged sodomy charge.
This whole thing has been called a conspiracy. But by whom? Dr Mahathir says the Government not so stupid to frame sodomy a second time.
The way it has developed, it appears to lead to nothing but a joke being played by some idiots.
Some thoughts.
1. Can the charges be sustained if it was not preferred by the AG cum PP. The Govt says the AG is not involved in this case.
2. An initial medical report would suggest Saiful not sodomised. But this doctor has disappeared.
3. Anwar has not given a sample for DNA, a corroborative evidence crucial in sex related crimes. Anwar fears it can and may be used to fabricate evidence AGAIN.
4. The police already have a DNA profile from 1998. But they may not be able to use it as it was not legally obtained.
5. The Govt will rush the DNA bill through parliment at the next sitting. Not just to compel an accused to provide a sample for DNA, whether retrospective or not. The hastening of the DNA bill is to give power to the police to use whatever DNA sample or profile they already have irrespective of how or when it was obtained.
6. Alibi. Anwar says he has an alibi for all times. As previously demonstrated in 1998, the prosecution are able to change the dates/times of the alleged incident as when countered by an alibi.
7. If, as they had suspected, Saiful was a plant, would Anwar be foolish enough to be observed to be alone with the plant.
8. I would not be surprised if at a crucial time during the trial, a video turns up featuring the plant buggering himself with a plastic in the high end condo.
9. Given Anwar's ambitions, didn't the police compile a dossier on Anwar with all his movements since his release from prison? And doesn't Anwar know that the police are capable of doing so and therefore checks himself? All the more given his past experience with the police.
As some are saying, Malaysia is turning out to be a laughing stock.
The story so far.
Saiful Bukhari Azlan volunteers his help to PKR just before the last general elections. PKR suspects UMNO had sent them a mole (but not revealed at that time)
Saiful lodges police report alleging Anwar sodimised him. Anwar is 61 years old and with a bad back and Saiful aged 23.
Pictures of Saiful with some UMNO leaders appears on the internet
First Najib denied knowing or having met Saiful. Later admits he met Saiful in his house a few days before the incident.
Anwar arrested, questioned, medically checked and released a day later. Anwar had to complete a form that is normally filed by a rape victim. Anwar was also 'measured' at the hospital. Anwar refused to give blood sample for DNA.
UMNO makes public call for Anwar to give a sample for DNA analysis. Anwar says Govt the police have a DNA profile obtained during the 1st sodomy allegation in 1998.
Government says IGP and AG will not be involved in this sodomy investigation.
A lawyer and a 'Uncle Pet' hold a press conference supposedly on behalf on Saiful's father.
Raja Petra releases medical report from Hospital Pusrawi which implies that there was no evidence of Saiful being sodomised.
A main stream media reported that Saiful went to the KL hospital for a medical problem. The KLH doctors who examined him suspected something amiss and upon questioning Saiful determined it to be a case od sodomy and advised Saiful to make a police report.
Some KL doctors vouch that a medical was not given to the police.
Raja Petra alleges the police met Saiful secretly in a hotel 3 days prior to the alleged sodomy.
Govt says the IP with the Solicitor General for him to make a decision on whether to charge Anwar.
Anwar ordered to appear in Magistrates Court on 7/8/08.
This whole thing has been called a conspiracy. But by whom? Dr Mahathir says the Government not so stupid to frame sodomy a second time.
The way it has developed, it appears to lead to nothing but a joke being played by some idiots.
Some thoughts.
1. Can the charges be sustained if it was not preferred by the AG cum PP. The Govt says the AG is not involved in this case.
2. An initial medical report would suggest Saiful not sodomised. But this doctor has disappeared.
3. Anwar has not given a sample for DNA, a corroborative evidence crucial in sex related crimes. Anwar fears it can and may be used to fabricate evidence AGAIN.
4. The police already have a DNA profile from 1998. But they may not be able to use it as it was not legally obtained.
5. The Govt will rush the DNA bill through parliment at the next sitting. Not just to compel an accused to provide a sample for DNA, whether retrospective or not. The hastening of the DNA bill is to give power to the police to use whatever DNA sample or profile they already have irrespective of how or when it was obtained.
6. Alibi. Anwar says he has an alibi for all times. As previously demonstrated in 1998, the prosecution are able to change the dates/times of the alleged incident as when countered by an alibi.
7. If, as they had suspected, Saiful was a plant, would Anwar be foolish enough to be observed to be alone with the plant.
8. I would not be surprised if at a crucial time during the trial, a video turns up featuring the plant buggering himself with a plastic in the high end condo.
9. Given Anwar's ambitions, didn't the police compile a dossier on Anwar with all his movements since his release from prison? And doesn't Anwar know that the police are capable of doing so and therefore checks himself? All the more given his past experience with the police.
As some are saying, Malaysia is turning out to be a laughing stock.
The story so far.
Saiful Bukhari Azlan volunteers his help to PKR just before the last general elections. PKR suspects UMNO had sent them a mole (but not revealed at that time)
Saiful lodges police report alleging Anwar sodimised him. Anwar is 61 years old and with a bad back and Saiful aged 23.
Pictures of Saiful with some UMNO leaders appears on the internet
First Najib denied knowing or having met Saiful. Later admits he met Saiful in his house a few days before the incident.
Anwar arrested, questioned, medically checked and released a day later. Anwar had to complete a form that is normally filed by a rape victim. Anwar was also 'measured' at the hospital. Anwar refused to give blood sample for DNA.
UMNO makes public call for Anwar to give a sample for DNA analysis. Anwar says Govt the police have a DNA profile obtained during the 1st sodomy allegation in 1998.
Government says IGP and AG will not be involved in this sodomy investigation.
A lawyer and a 'Uncle Pet' hold a press conference supposedly on behalf on Saiful's father.
Raja Petra releases medical report from Hospital Pusrawi which implies that there was no evidence of Saiful being sodomised.
A main stream media reported that Saiful went to the KL hospital for a medical problem. The KLH doctors who examined him suspected something amiss and upon questioning Saiful determined it to be a case od sodomy and advised Saiful to make a police report.
Some KL doctors vouch that a medical was not given to the police.
Raja Petra alleges the police met Saiful secretly in a hotel 3 days prior to the alleged sodomy.
Govt says the IP with the Solicitor General for him to make a decision on whether to charge Anwar.
Anwar ordered to appear in Magistrates Court on 7/8/08.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Anwar Ibrahim was released on police bail this morning. Anwar's office released the following press statement.
It looks like the police are not co-ordinating well or there seems to be some "camps" within the police force for these big screw ups.
Kenyataan Media Pasca Penahanan 15 Julai 2008
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; JULY 17, 2008
On Saturday, 12-07-2008, the police came to my house to serve a Section 111 Criminal Procedure Code notice, harassing my family and demanding my presence at the IPK Kuala Lumpur (Federal Territories Police headquarters) at 2pm on Monday, 14-07-2008 despite an earlier agreement with my lawyers for me to come to the IPK on Monday 14-07-2008. On the next day, Sunday, the police also served an ex-parte court order, prohibiting me from physically being within 5 km from the Parliament on Monday 14-07-2008. As you can see, my house and the IPK KL are within 5 km radius from the parliament building. The court order effectively put me under house arrest on Monday and at the same time prevented me from going to the IPK.
On Monday, 14-07-2008, the presence of police personnel outside the compound of my house strengthened our suspicions that they would be prepared to arrest me as soon as I left the compound of my residence, on the pretext of me violating the court order. The issue here, is which order should I comply with, the ex-parte court order or the Section 111 notice from the police?
On the same day, the police through the Investigating Officer, one DSP Jude Pereira wrote and faxed to my lawyer at about 1.06pm, informing that I was required to be present at the IPK KL on Wednesday, 16-07-2008 at 2.00 pm to assist with the investigation. I conveyed my agreement to the appointment and it was communicated to the police through my solicitor, Messrs S.N Nair and Partners via telephone and letter on the same day.
On Wednesday, 16-07-2008, I was at the Anti Corruption Agency (BPR) head office to record my statement pursuant to the police report lodged by me at IPK Shah Alam on 01-07-2008, against the Attorney General Gani Patail and the Inspector General of Police Musa Hassan for their involvement in the fabrication of evidence way back in 1998. To ensure that we will be able to attend the appointment with the police at 2pm, we cut short our statement at the BPR’s office, and this fact was clearly conveyed to the BPR officers present.
At about 12.45 pm, the IO, DSP Jude Pereira called Mr Nair to confirm about our attendance and Mr. Nair confirmed that we would attend that 2pm appointment. We were about to have a quick lunch at my house before proceeding to the IPK. 5 minutes later, we were ambushed by a team of masked and heavily armed police personnel near my house.
I was arrested and brought to the IPK. I cooperated fully with the police by giving my cautioned statement from 2.30 pm to about 7.30 pm. At this particular point, the IO and the other officers handling this case were doing their job professionally. I was then given assurances by Assistant Commissioner of Police Razali and later Senior Assistant Commissioner II Khor (through my lawyer) that I would be released on police bail on the same day.
However, later on, upon my return from Kuala Lumpur General Hospotal (HKL), the IO, DSP Jude Pereira informed me and my lawyers that I will be detained and put in the police lock-up overnight for the purpose of recording a further statement in the morning.
I and my lawyers protested, giving our undertaking that we will be back anytime required by the police to continue with the recording of the statement, and there was no need for me to be detained overnight, and that I should be released on police bail. The police, through the IO were adamant that I should be detained and put in the police lock-up overnight, despite them knowing about my physical condition. I had to spend the night sleeping on a cold cement floor, which aggravated my back injury which was due to the beating I received from the then IGP, Tan Sri Rahim Nor on 20th September, 1998.
This morning, after a short statement that was recorded for about 30 minutes, I was released on police bail. I was in pain and had to immediately receive some medical treatment upon my return home.
I now wish to deal with the statement of the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) Director, Dato Mohd Bakri Mohd Zinin as appeared in Utusan Malaysia today, inter alia
“Pasukan khas bertopeng polis terpaksa memintas kenderaan DSAI di Bukit Segambut di sini dan menahan Anwar ekoran tindakan Penasihat PKR itu mengubah haluan kenderaannya pada saat-saat tempoh yang diberi kepadanya untuk menyerah diri kepada polis pada pukul 2 petang ini hampir berakhir”
This is a blatant lie from the CID director to cover up their shameful act of abuse of police powers. I have given the assurances and had just informed the IO 5 minutes before the disgraceful ambush by the police through my lawyer who was with me in the same car.
In addition to the above, the Deputy Home Minister, Wan Farid said, as reported in Star Online that, I “went voluntarily to the police car without any incident.” Again, this is also a blatant lie by the government.
I take to task the IGP for this abuse of police power against me through the events I’ve narrated above. It appears that the events of the last few days, the nature of my unwarranted arrest, my overnight incarceration which was actually absolutely unnecessary, were an act of personal vengeance against me in retaliation to the reports I lodged earlier against him, which are now being investigated by the ACA.
I have reasonable grounds for having no confidence in the system. In the course of the trial of the false allegations of sodomy in 1998, DNA evidence was fabricated and used against me. The persons responsible for the fabrication then were the IGP, SAC Rodwan and the AG, are new key players in this investigation.
Until now, I have been denied access to the police report made by the accuser against me.
My accuser is still under police protection and as such, any fabrication is possible if they take my DNA. My decision to refuse a DNA test is taken through advice of my lawyers and DNA experts, both local and overseas.
It looks like the police are not co-ordinating well or there seems to be some "camps" within the police force for these big screw ups.
Prominent blogger and Malaysia-today editor, Raja Petra Kamarudin, has been asked to report to the Kuala Lumpur police HQ at 10 am today.
It was reported that a warrant of arrest has been issued and that he is to be charged for criminal defamation. (Malaysiakini)
This is in relation to his SD alleging the involvement of the wife of the deputy Prime Minister, Najib Razak, in the murder of Mongolian Altantuya.
Well, he has been waiting for this.
The RPK SD ...

It was reported that a warrant of arrest has been issued and that he is to be charged for criminal defamation. (Malaysiakini)
This is in relation to his SD alleging the involvement of the wife of the deputy Prime Minister, Najib Razak, in the murder of Mongolian Altantuya.
Well, he has been waiting for this.
The RPK SD ...

Labels: Altantuya, Blogger Abuse
Anwar Ibrahim, the de facto leader and advisor to Pakatan Rakyat, was arrested yesterday afternoon as he was about to go home, in connection with a sodomy allegation.
Just before his arrest, Anwar was at the Anti Corruption Agency (ACA)office at Putrajaya. The ACA officers had called him in with regards his police report on his allegations that the present IGP, Musa Hassan and the present Attorney General, Abdul Ghani Patail, had fabricated or attempted to fabricate evidence pertaining to his assault by the then IGP in the police lock-up in 1998.
Anwar was taken for medical check-up at the Kuala Lumpur hospital where, it was reported that, he had refused to give a blood sample for DNA analysis.
Anwar is being held overnight at an undisclosed location eventhough there was some indication that he would have been released on police bail.
Refusal of police bail was not surprising given that the Home Affairs minister, Syed Hamid Albar, had earlier in the evening told news agency AFP that Anwar was likely to spend the night in detention.
Anwar's office had, in a press statement, among others, said the following.
Just before his arrest, Anwar was at the Anti Corruption Agency (ACA)office at Putrajaya. The ACA officers had called him in with regards his police report on his allegations that the present IGP, Musa Hassan and the present Attorney General, Abdul Ghani Patail, had fabricated or attempted to fabricate evidence pertaining to his assault by the then IGP in the police lock-up in 1998.
Anwar was taken for medical check-up at the Kuala Lumpur hospital where, it was reported that, he had refused to give a blood sample for DNA analysis.
Anwar is being held overnight at an undisclosed location eventhough there was some indication that he would have been released on police bail.
Refusal of police bail was not surprising given that the Home Affairs minister, Syed Hamid Albar, had earlier in the evening told news agency AFP that Anwar was likely to spend the night in detention.
Anwar's office had, in a press statement, among others, said the following.
"We have been able to communicate with Anwar, who calls upon his supporters and the people of Malaysia to remain calm and to reject any attempts at provocation, which will give a pretext for an emergency situation to be declared."
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Malaysia Today
Raja Petra Kamarudin has been asked to report to the Sentul Police Station at 5..30pm today, Saturday, 5 July 2008.
He received a phone call from ACP Aziz that the police want to record his statement in relation to the Statutory Declaration he signed on 18 June 2008.
So he is being called by the police regarding his SD.
No, I am NOT expecting a contradictory SD2 from Raja Petra tomorrow. But knowing Raja Petra, he will keep the police busy.
Labels: Blogger Abuse, Police
There is a very strong POLICE presence in Kuala Lumpur today. Police roadblocks are most everywhere and there are massive traffic jams on most roads leading into the city.
Is it because of bloggers who, with All Blogs, will be celebrating 100 days at a gathering tonight at Blog House.
or is it beacuse of THE PROTES gathering tomorrow at Kelana Jaya?
The New Straits Times reports this
Me thinks it is just plain INTIMIDATION.
I hoping to join the thousands of Malaysians to tell the Abdullah Badawi and his Gomen
"Keep YOUR subsidy and give OUR Petrol"
Is it because of bloggers who, with All Blogs, will be celebrating 100 days at a gathering tonight at Blog House.
or is it beacuse of THE PROTES gathering tomorrow at Kelana Jaya?
The New Straits Times reports this
Police on High Alert in Klang Valley
KUALA LUMPUR: All district and state police headquarters in the Klang Valley are on high alert.
The New Straits Times learnt that a notice on the alert was issued to all the district police chiefs yesterday and would take effect today.
According to a police officer who did not want to be identified, high alert meant full manning of the police's state (SCC) and district (DCC) police control centres. It is also learnt that military personnel would be stationed inside the SCC and DCC during this period.
The source also said it was possible that the high alert was in preparation for the mammoth rally protest against the fuel price hike tomorrow at Petaling Jaya's Padang Timur. ... NST Online
Me thinks it is just plain INTIMIDATION.
I hoping to join the thousands of Malaysians to tell the Abdullah Badawi and his Gomen
"Keep YOUR subsidy and give OUR Petrol"
Friday, July 4, 2008
PI Bala has retracted his SD dated 01/07/2008 which was released by Anwar Ibrahim on 03/07/2008.
What were his reasons for the retraction, which came after his visit to the Brickfields police station?
It seems he did not take questions and left immediately after his press conference this morning.
But one thing in his 1st SD struck me as being odd. Bala declared
What were his reasons for the retraction, which came after his visit to the Brickfields police station?
It seems he did not take questions and left immediately after his press conference this morning.
But one thing in his 1st SD struck me as being odd. Bala declared
"25. During this discussion and in an attempt to persuade me to continue my employment with him, Abdul Razak Baginda informed me that :-
25.1 He had been introduced to Aminah by Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak at a diamond exhibition in Singapore.
25.2 Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak informed Abdul Razak Baginda that he had a sexual relationship with Aminah and that she was susceptible to anal intercourse."
Now how could someone remember such trivia as "... she was susceptible to ...", when being practically under siege? What was his state of mind at that time?
Unless of course there was some truth in it.
If this bit was true, would any of the women who had the occassion to be intimate with a certain VIP recall this particular 'preference' of this VIP?
Shall we have some more SDs coming out soon?
The 2nd Statutory Declaration by PI Balasubramaniam released to the press.
I, Balasubramaniam Perumal, do solemnly and sincerely declare as follows:
1. I have been a police officer with the Royal Malaysian Police Force having joined as a constable in 1981. I was subsequently promoted to the rank of lance corporal and finally resigned from the Royal Malaysian Police Force in 1998.
2. I currently work as a freelance private investigator.
3. I wish to refer to the statutory declaration I affirmed on July 1, 2008. I refer specifically to paragraphs 8, 25, 28, 49 and 50 to 52, wherein I have stated inter-alia that:
a) Abdul Razak Baginda informed me that he was introduced to Altantuya Shaaribuu by a VIP;
b) Najib Razak informed Abdul Razak Baginda that he had a sexual relationship with Altantuya Shaaribuu and that she was susceptible to anal intercourse;
c) Najib Razak instructed Abdul Razak Baginda to look after Altantuya Shaaribuu as he did not want her to harass him since he was the deputy prime minister;
d) Najib Razak, Abdul Razak Baginda and Altantuya Shaaribuu had met and all been together at a dinner in Paris;
e) Altantuya Shaaribuu wanted money in the sum of US$500,000 as a commission for a submarine deal she assisted with in Paris;
f) Altantuya Shaaribuu met Najib Razak in Singapore;
g) Altantuya Shaaribuu wanted me to arrange to see Najib Razak;
h) I told the police about the relationship between Najib Razak and Altantuya Shaaribuu but when it came to sign my statement this detail was left out;
i) The prosecutor during the course of the trial in the High Court of Shah Alam did not ask me any questions in respect of Altantuya Shaaribuu’s purported relationship with Najib Razak or of a phone call I received from one DSP Musa Safri, whom I believe was the ADC to Najib Razak and/or his wife;
j) Abdul Razak Baginda informed me that he had sent Najib Razak an SMS the evening before he was arrested but did not receive a response; and
k) Najib Razak sent an SMS to Abdul Razak Baginda on the day of his arrest to the effect that he was going to see the IGP that day and that the matter should be resolved and for Abdul Razak Baginda to remain calm.
4. I wish to retract all the statements that I have made in paragraphs 8, 25, 28, 49 and 50 to 52 of my statutory declaration dated July 1, 2008. The statements contained in paragraphs 8, 25, 28, 49 and 50 to 52 of my statutory declaration dated July 1, 2008 are inaccurate and not the truth. I wish to expressly state that:
a) At no material time did Abdul Razak Baginda inform me that he was introduced to Altantuya Shaaribuu by a VIP;
b) At no material time did Razak Baginda inform me that Najib Razak had a sexual relationship with Altantuya Shaaribuu and the she was susceptible to anal intercourse;
c) At no material time did Abdul Razak Baginda inform me that Najib Razak instructed Abdul Razak Baginda to look after Altantuya Shaaribuu as he did not want her to harass him since he was the deputy prime minister;
d) At no material time did Razak Baginda and/or Altantuya Shaaribuu inform me that Najib Razak, together with Abdul Razak Baginda and Altantuya Shaaribuu had met and all been together at a dinner in Paris;
e) At no material time did Altantuya Shaaribuu inform me that she wanted money in the sum of US$500,000 as a commission for a submarine deal she assisted with in Paris;
f) At no time whatsoever did Abdul Razak Baginda and/or Altantuya Shaaribuu inform me that Najib Razak met with Altantuya Shaaribuu in Singapore;
g) At no time whatsoever did Altantuya Shaaribuu inform me that she wanted me to arrange to see Najib Razak;
h) At no time did I tell the police during the course of their investigations about any relationship between Najib Razak and Altantuya Shaaribuu as no such relationship existed to my knowledge. Accordingly, the statement I signed before the police is complete;
i) At no time did Abdul Razak Baginda inform me that he had sent Najib Razak an SMS the evening before he was arrested; and
j) At no time did Abdul Razak Baginda inform me that Najib Razak had sent him an SMS on the day of his arrest to the effect that he was going to see the IGP that day and that the matter should be resolved and for Abdul Razak Baginda to remain calm.
5. In addition, I wish to retract the entire contents of my statutory declaration dated July 1, 2008. I was compelled to affirm the said statutory declaration dated July 1, 2008 under duress.
And I make this solemn declaration voluntarily and conscientiously believing the same to be true, and by virtue of the provisions of the Statutory Declarations Act 1960.
Balasubramaniam a/l Perumal
Labels: Altantuya, Police, Politicians
Thursday, July 3, 2008
After the SD of Raja Petra comes this explosive SD.
The Statutory Declaration of Private Investigator P Balasubramaniam dated 01/07/2008and released by Anwar Ibrahim at a press conference on 3/7/2008 at 11.30am.
They have to get this dirt out before Anwar gets nabbed on the new allegation.
I, Balasubramaniam a/l Perumal (NRIC NO: 600928-08-6235) a Malaysian Citizen of full age and residing at No. 32, Jalan Pelangi 1, Taman Pelangi, Rawang, Selangor do solemly and sincerely declare as follows :-
1. I have been a police officer with the Royal Malaysian Police Force having jointed as a constable in 1981 attached to the Police Field Force. I was then promoted to the rank of lance Corporal and finally resigned from the Police Force in 1998 when I was with the Special Branch.
2. I have been working as a free lance Private Investigator since I left the Police Force.
3. Sometime in June or July 2006, I was employed by Abdul Razak Baginda for a period of 10 days to look after him at his office at the Bangunan Getah Asli, Jalan Ampang between the hours of 8.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m each working day as apparently he was experiencing disturbances from a third party.
4. I resigned from this job after 2 ½ days as I was not receiving any proper instructions.
5. I was however re-employed by Abdul Razak Baginda on the 05-10-2006 as he had apparently received a harassing phone call from a Chinese man calling himself ASP Tan who had threatened him to pay his debts. I later found out this gentleman was in fact a private investigator called Ang who was employed by a Mongolian woman called Altantuya Shaaribuu.
6. Abdul Razak Baginda was concerned that a person by the name of Altantuya Shaaribuu, a Mongolian woman, was behind this threat and that she would be arriving in Malaysia very soon to try and contact him.
7. Abdul Razak Baginda informed me that he was concerned by this as he had been advised that Altantuya Shaaribuu had been given some powers by a Mongolian ‘bomoh’ and that he could never look her in the face because of this.
8. When I enquired as to who this Mongolian woman was, Abdul Razak Baginda informed me that she was a friend of his who had been introduced to him by a VIP and who asked him to look after her financially.
9. I advised him to lodge a police report concerning the threatening phone call he had received from the Chinese man known as ASP Tan but he refused to do so as he informed me there were some high profile people involved.
10. Abdul Razak Baginda further told me that Altantuya Shaaribuu was a great liar and good in convincing people. She was supposed to have been very demanding financially and that he had even financed a property for her in Mongolia.
11. Abdul Razak Baginda then let me listen to some voice messages on his handphone asking him to pay what was due otherwise he would be harmed and his daughter harassed.
12. I was therefore supposed to protect his daughter Rowena as well.
13. On the 09.10.2006 I received a phone call from Abdul Razak Baginda at about 9.30 a.m. informing me that Altantuya was in his office and he wanted me there immediately. As I was in the midst of a surveillance, I sent my assistant Suras to Abdul Razak Baginda’s office and I followed a little later. Suras managed to control the situation and had persuaded Altantuya and her two friends to leave the premises. However Altantuya left a note written on some Hotel Malaya note paper, in English, asking Abdul Razak Baginda to call her on her handphone (number given) and wrote down her room number as well.
14. Altantuya had introduced herself to Suras as ‘Aminah’ and had informed Suras she was there to see her boyfriend Abdul Razak Baginda.
15. These 3 Mongolian girls however returned to Abdul Razak Baginda’s office at the Bangunan Getah Asli, Jalan Ampang again, the next day at about 12.00 noon. They did not enter the building but again informed Suras that they wanted to meet Aminah’s boyfriend, Abdul Razak Baginda.
16. On the 11.10.2006, Aminah returned to Abdul Razak Baginda’s office on her own and gave me a note to pass to him, which I did. Abdul Razak Baginda showed me the note which basically asked him to call her urgently.
17. I suggested to Abdul Razak Baginda that perhaps it may be wise to arrange for Aminah to be arrested if she harassed him further, but he declined as he felt she would have to return to Mongolia as soon as her cash ran out.
18. In the meantime I had arranged for Suras to perform surveillance on Hotel Malaya to monitor the movements of these 3 Mongolian girls, but they recognized him. Apparently they become friends with Suras after that and he ended up spending a few nights in their hotel room.
19. When Abdul Razak Baginda discovered Suras was becoming close to Aminah he asked me to pull him out from Hotel Malaya.
20. On the 14.10.2006, Aminah turned up at Abdul Razak Baginda’s house in Damansara Heights when I was not there. Abdul Razak Baginda called me on my handphone to inform me of this so I rushed back to his house. As I arrived, I noticed Aminah outside the front gates shouting “Razak, bastard, come out from the house”. I tried to calm her down but couldn’t so I called the police who arrived in 2 patrol cars. I explained the situation to the police, who took her away to the Brickfields police station.
21. I followed the patrol cars to Brickfields police station in a taxi. I called Abdul Razak Baginda and his lawyer Dirren to lodge a police report but they refused.
22. When I was at the Brickfields police station, Aminah’s own Private Investigator, one Mr. Ang arrived and we had a discussion. I was told to deliver a demand to Abdul Razak Baginda for USD$500,000.00 and 3 tickets to Mongolia, apparently as commission owed to Aminah from a deal in Paris.
23. As Aminah had calmed down at this stage, a policewoman at the Brickfields police station advised me to leave and settle the matter amicably.
24. I duly informed Abdul Razak Baginda of the demands Aminah had made and told him I was disappointed that no one wanted to back me up in lodging a police report. We had a long discussion about the situation when I expressed a desire to pull out of this assignment.
25. During this discussion and in an attempt to persuade me to continue my employment with him, Abdul Razak Baginda informed me that :-
25.1 He had been introduced to Aminah by Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak at a diamond exhibition in Singapore.
25.2 Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak informed Abdul Razak Baginda that he had a sexual relationship with Aminah and that she was susceptible to anal intercourse.
25.3 Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak wanted Abdul Razak Baginda to look after Aminah as he did not want her to harass him since he was now the Deputy Prime Minister.
25.4 Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, Abdul Razak Baginda and Aminah had all been together at a dinner in Paris.
25.5 Aminah wanted money from him as she felt she was entitled to a USD$500,000.00 commission on a submarine deal she assisted with in Paris.
26. On the 19.10.2006, I arrived at Abdul Razak Baginda’s house in Damansara Heights to begin my night duty. I had parked my car outside as usual. I saw a yellow proton perdana taxi pass by with 3 ladies inside, one of whom was Aminah. The taxi did a U-turn and stopped in front of the house where these ladies rolled down the window and wished me ‘Happy Deepavali’. The taxi then left.
27. About 20 minutes later the taxi returned with only Aminah in it. She got out of the taxi and walked towards me and started talking to me. I sent an SMS to Abdul Razak Baginda informing him “Aminah was here”. I received an SMS from Razak instructing me “To delay her until my man comes”.
28. Whist I was talking to Aminah, she informed me of the following :-
28.1 That she met Abdul Razak Baginda in Singapore with Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.
28.2 That she had also met Abdul Razak Baginda and Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak at a dinner in Paris.
28.3 That she was promised a sum of USD$500,000.00 as commission for assisting in a Submarine deal in Paris.
28.4 That Abdul Razak Baginda had bought her a house in Mongolia but her brother had refinanced it and she needed money to redeem it.
28.5 That her mother was ill and she needed money to pay for her treatment.
28.6 That Abdul Razak Baginda had married her in Korea as her mother is Korean whilst her father was a Mongolian/Chinese mix.
28.7 That if I wouldn’t allow her to see Abdul Razak Baginda, would I be able to arrange for her to see Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.
29. After talking to Aminah for about 15 minutes, a red proton aeroback arrived with a woman and two men. I now know the woman to be Lance Corporal Rohaniza and the men, Azilah Hadri and Sirul Azahar. They were all in plain clothes. Azilah walked towards me while the other two stayed in the car.
30. Azilah asked me whether the woman was Aminah and I said ‘Yes’. He then walked off and made a few calls on his handphone. After 10 minutes another vehicle, a blue proton saga, driven by a Malay man, passed by slowly. The drivers window had been wound down and the driver was looking at us.
31. Azilah then informed me they would be taking Aminah away. I informed Aminah they were arresting her. The other two persons then got out of the red proton and exchanged seats so that Lance Corporal Rohaniza and Aminah were in the back while the two men were in the front. They drove off and that is the last I ever saw of Aminah.
32. Abdul Razak Baginda was not at home when all this occurred.
33. After the 19.10.2006, I continued to work for Abdul Razak Baginda at his house in Damansara Heights from 7.00 p.m. to 8.00 a.m. the next morning, as he had been receiving threatening text messages from a woman called ‘Amy’ who was apparently ‘Aminah’s’ cousin in Mongolia.
34. On the night of the 20.10.2006, both of Aminah’s girl friends turned up at Abdul Razak Baginda’s house enquiring where Aminah was. I informed them she had been arrested the night before.
35. A couple of nights later, these two Mongolian girls, Mr. Ang and another Mongolian girl called ‘Amy’ turned up at Abdul Razak Baginda’s house looking for Aminah as they appeared to be convinced she was being held in the house.
36. A commotion began so I called the police who arrived shortly thereafter in a patrol car. Another patrol car arrived a short while later in which was the investigating officer from the Dang Wangi Police Station who was in charge of the missing persons report lodged by one of the Mongolians girls, I believe was Amy.
37. I called Abdul Razak Baginda who was at home to inform him of the events taking place at his front gate. He then called DSP Musa Safri and called me back informing me that Musa Safri would be calling handphone and I was to pass the phone to the Inspector from Dang Wangi Police Station.
38. I then received a call on my handphone from Musa Safri and duly handed the phone to the Dang Wangi Inspector. The conversation lasted 3 – 4 minutes after which he told the girls to disperse and to go to see him the next day.
39. On or about the 24.10.2006, Abdul Razak Baginda instructed me to accompany him to the Brickfields police station as he had been advised to lodge a police report about the harassment he was receiving from these Mongolian girls.
40. Before this, Amy had sent me an SMS informing me she was going to Thailand to lodge a report with the Mongolian consulate there regarding Aminah’s disappearance. Apparently she had sent the same SMS to Abdul Razak Baginda. This is why he told me he had been advised to lodge a police report.
41. Abdul Razak Baginda informed me that DPS Musa Safri had introduced him to one DSP Idris, the head of the Criminal division, Brickfields police station, and that Idris had referred him to ASP Tonny.
42. When Abdul Razak Baginda had lodged his police report at Brickfields police station, in front of ASP Tonny, he was asked to make a statement but he refused as he said he was leaving for overseas. He did however promise to prepare a statement and hand ASP Tonny a thumb drive. I know that this was not done as ASP Tonny told me.
43. However ASP Tonny asked me the next day to provide my statement instead and so I did.
44. I stopped working for Abdul Razak Baginda on the 26.10.2006 as this was the day he left for Hong Kong on his own.
45. In mid November 2006, I received a phone call from ASP Tonny from the IPK Jalan Hang Tuah asking me to see him regarding Aminah’s case. When I arrived there I was immediately arrested under S.506 of the Penal Code for Criminal intimidation.
46. I was then placed in the lock up and remanded for 5 days. On the third day I was released on police bail.
47. At the end of November 2006, the D9 department of the IPK sent a detective to my house to escort me to the IPK Jalan Hang Tuah. When I arrived, I was told I was being arrested under S.302 of the Penal Code for murder. I was put in the lock up and remanded for 7 days.
48. I was transported to Bukit Aman where I was interrogated and questioned about an SMS I had received from Abdul Razak Baginda on the 19.10.2006 which read “delay her until my man arrives”. They had apparently retrieved this message from Abdul Razak Baginda’s handphone.
49. They then proceeded to record my statement from 8.30 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. everyday for 7 consecutive days. I told them all I knew including everything Abdul Razak Baginda and Aminah had told me about their relationships with Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak but when I came to sign my statement, these details had been left out.
50. I have given evidence in the trial of Azilah, Sirul and Abdul Razak Baginda at the Shah Alam High Court. The prosecutor did not ask me any questions in respect of Aminah’s relationship with Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak or of the phone call I received from DSP Musa Safri, whom I believe was the ADC for Datuk Seri Najib Razak and/or his wife.
51. On the day Abdul Razak Baginda was arrested, I was with him at his lawyers office at 6.30 a.m. Abdul Razak Baginda informed us that he had sent Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak an SMS the evening before as he refused to believe he was to be arrested, but had not received a response.
52. Shortly thereafter, at about 7.30 a.m., Abdul Razak Baginda received an SMS from Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak and showed, this message to both myself and his lawyer. This message read as follows :- “ I am seeing IGP at 11.00 a.m. today …… matter will be solved … be cool”.
53. I have been made to understand that Abdul Razak Baginda was arrested the same morning at his office in the Bangunan Getah Asli, Jalan Ampang.
54. The purpose of this Statutory declaration is to :-
54.1 State my disappointment at the standard of investigations conducted by the authorities into the circumstances surrounding the murder of Altantuya Shaaribuu.
54.2 Bring to the notice of the relevant authorities the strong possibility that there are individuals other than the 3 accused who must have played a role in the murder of Altantuya Shaaribuu.
54.3 Persuade the relevant authorities to reopen their investigations into this case immediately so that any fresh evidence may be presented to the Court prior to submissions at the end of the prosecutions case.
54.4 Emphasize the fact that having been a member of the Royal Malaysian Police Force for 17 years I am absolutely certain no police officer would shoot someone in the head and blow up their body without receiving specific instructions from their superiors first.
54.5. Express my concern that should the defence not be called in the said murder trial, the accused, Azilah and Sirul will not have to swear on oath and testify as to the instructions they received and from whom they were given.
55. And I make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same be true and by virtue of the provisions of the Statutory Declaration Act 1960.
SUBCRIBED and solemnly )
declared by the abovenamed )
Balasubramaniam a/l Perumal ]
this day of 2008 )
Before me,
Commissioner for Oath
Kuala Lumpur
Labels: Altantuya, Murder, Police, Politicians
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