
Thursday, August 7, 2008

Anwar to be Charged

Anwar Ibrahim, PKR advisor and de facto leader has been summoned to appear at the Jalan Duta Magistrates' Court later this (7/8/08) morning on the alleged sodomy charge.

This whole thing has been called a conspiracy. But by whom? Dr Mahathir says the Government not so stupid to frame sodomy a second time.

The way it has developed, it appears to lead to nothing but a joke being played by some idiots.

Some thoughts.

1. Can the charges be sustained if it was not preferred by the AG cum PP. The Govt says the AG is not involved in this case.

2. An initial medical report would suggest Saiful not sodomised. But this doctor has disappeared.

3. Anwar has not given a sample for DNA, a corroborative evidence crucial in sex related crimes. Anwar fears it can and may be used to fabricate evidence AGAIN.

4. The police already have a DNA profile from 1998. But they may not be able to use it as it was not legally obtained.

5. The Govt will rush the DNA bill through parliment at the next sitting. Not just to compel an accused to provide a sample for DNA, whether retrospective or not. The hastening of the DNA bill is to give power to the police to use whatever DNA sample or profile they already have irrespective of how or when it was obtained.

6. Alibi. Anwar says he has an alibi for all times. As previously demonstrated in 1998, the prosecution are able to change the dates/times of the alleged incident as when countered by an alibi.

7. If, as they had suspected, Saiful was a plant, would Anwar be foolish enough to be observed to be alone with the plant.

8. I would not be surprised if at a crucial time during the trial, a video turns up featuring the plant buggering himself with a plastic in the high end condo.

9. Given Anwar's ambitions, didn't the police compile a dossier on Anwar with all his movements since his release from prison? And doesn't Anwar know that the police are capable of doing so and therefore checks himself? All the more given his past experience with the police.

As some are saying, Malaysia is turning out to be a laughing stock.

The story so far.

Saiful Bukhari Azlan volunteers his help to PKR just before the last general elections. PKR suspects UMNO had sent them a mole (but not revealed at that time)

Saiful lodges police report alleging Anwar sodimised him. Anwar is 61 years old and with a bad back and Saiful aged 23.

Pictures of Saiful with some UMNO leaders appears on the internet

First Najib denied knowing or having met Saiful. Later admits he met Saiful in his house a few days before the incident.

Anwar arrested, questioned, medically checked and released a day later. Anwar had to complete a form that is normally filed by a rape victim. Anwar was also 'measured' at the hospital. Anwar refused to give blood sample for DNA.

UMNO makes public call for Anwar to give a sample for DNA analysis. Anwar says Govt the police have a DNA profile obtained during the 1st sodomy allegation in 1998.

Government says IGP and AG will not be involved in this sodomy investigation.

A lawyer and a 'Uncle Pet' hold a press conference supposedly on behalf on Saiful's father.

Raja Petra releases medical report from Hospital Pusrawi which implies that there was no evidence of Saiful being sodomised.

A main stream media reported that Saiful went to the KL hospital for a medical problem. The KLH doctors who examined him suspected something amiss and upon questioning Saiful determined it to be a case od sodomy and advised Saiful to make a police report.

Some KL doctors vouch that a medical was not given to the police.

Raja Petra alleges the police met Saiful secretly in a hotel 3 days prior to the alleged sodomy.

Govt says the IP with the Solicitor General for him to make a decision on whether to charge Anwar.

Anwar ordered to appear in Magistrates Court on 7/8/08.
